定義:to emit a sound (animal, human or instrumental); by implication, to address in words or by name, also in imitation
源自 5456; TDNT - 9:301,1287; 動詞
AV - call 23, crow 12, cry 5, call for 2; 42
1) 出聲(聲調迫切)
2) 以...稱呼 (#約 13;13|)
3) 召喚
4) 邀請 (#路 14:12|)
1a) of a cock: to crow
1b) of men: to cry, cry out, cry aloud, speak with a loud 語態
2) to call, to call one's self, either by one's own 語態 or
though another
3) to send for, summon
3a) to call out of (亦即 bid one to quit a place and come to one
3b) to invite
3c) to address, accost, call by a name