KJVNow therefore the sword shall neuer depart from thine house, because thou hast despised me, and hast taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite, to be thy wife.
定義:properly, concealed, i.e., the vanishing point; generally, time out of mind (past or future), i.e., (practically) eternity; frequentatively, adverbial (especially with prepositional prefix) always
源自 05956; TWOT - 1631a; 陽性名詞
AV - ever 272, everlasting 63, old 22, perpetual 22, evermore 15,
never 13, time 6, ancient 5, world 4, always 3, alway 2, long 2,
more 2, never + 0408 2, misc 6; 439
定義:a heel, i.e., (figuratively) the last of anything (used adverbially, for ever); also result, i.e., compensation; and so (adverb with preposition or relatively) on account of
源自 06117, 取 06119 的意思; TWOT - 1676e
欽定本 - because 6, reward 3, end 2, because + 0834 1, by 1, for 1, if 1; 15